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Moe Azizi API ICON


IoT Demo 2020

Internet of Things is the thing nowadays, they are all over the place, and new ones with more capabilities and speed are showing up. because the hardware is getting less expensive and can do more in a small package, we owe that to the evolution of SOC and availabilities of the Cloud platforms. To understand and get familiar with some aspects of this technology, I have moved up my sleeves to create and program a bunch of them and run them against multi-Cloud platforms. I am presenting a demo of them in this Vlog.

Electric Roller Booster (ERB)

Around the year 2010, I decided to challenge myself with a full-blown project that can be fun and educational so I will improve my skills in three disciplines: Embedded programming, Electronics, and Mechanic. There are two more successful revisions that have been built since then and the adventure is still continuing.

Autonomous Robots

Since my childhood when I was buying, playing, and learning RC toys till now which my toys getting more serious and challenging, I know two things have changed, first the cost of them, and second my abilities to make them. The following section will present some of my serious Robots (quad-copters, rovers, and boats) that are capable of finding and going through pre-planned waypoints leveraging today's technology that way I can take video and picture shots.

body: Carbon fiber
controller: APM 2.6
battery: 3 cells LiPoly 11.7 V, 50 A
camera: JVC 60x zoom

Chuck the angry bird
Fig.1 - Chuck under construction
Chuck the angry bird
Fig.2 - Chuck under construction
Falcon the fast bird
Fig.3 - Falcon, construction finished
Rover the land
Fig.4 - Rover M2, construction finished